
My Month In... April

April was the month of many firsts:

1. First Easter

J's first Easter had to be celebrated with fancy dress, of course! He loved his little lamb outfit and actually didn't mind the bunny ears-! We headed to Mama & Papa B's for the long weekend along with Sister S, my brother-in-law G & baby N. It was so relaxed and, in a way, the Christmas we didn't have (we were all pretty tied up with a newborn and Sister S was heavily pregnant by then). It was the first time we'd all been together since both babies arrived. We enjoyed slow mornings with bacon sandwiches, watched nostalgic films (including Labyrinth - definitely one of my top 5 movies), grazed on chocolate and shared the load of looking after the babies. It was perfect.

2. First Holiday 

We recently returned from our first family holiday together. L's bestie got married in France and we were lucky enough to stay at their chateau venue. I loved walking the grounds of this fairytale venue with J & L in between wedding preparations. We caught up with friends and enjoyed getting away from our routine for a bit. There was a fancy dress party on the Sunday so we dressed J as Sulley from Monsters, Inc., (he was the most adorable monster ever-!). J was a superstar on his first flight - he slept there and back! So proud of him.

3. First Magazine Shoot

Keep an eye out for the July issue of HomeStyle magazine, as my nautical bathroom is being featured! Such an honour and so interesting to see how it all works behind-the-scenes.

4. First Hot Day

J experienced his first seriously hot day of the year in April. We enjoyed a sunny Sunday in the garden followed by a stroll to get ice cream.

5. First Four Months

J reached four months in April, which has been a really big milestone as he's developed so much since month three (as you can see from the photo!). He's so alert and interested in everything. He's learnt to jump (he loves jumping!), has started watching what I eat (he's mesmerised by cereal) and is rolling from back to front more and more. Every day either something in his character or physical appearance has changed - I'm so proud of him and love being his mum.

Follow my Instagram for more regular updates of my day-to-day throughout the month. What were your favourite April moments?