Pinterest Pinboard

A DIY pinboard is one of the best ways to make your home feel like 'you'. From the cover fabric (floral, map, wildlife, pattern, colour, etc) to what you put on it - it's a shop window that represents your style, and the things you treasure.


Difficulty rating: Easy

I find the best deals for fabric and DIY essentials are online. Order in the week ready to get crafty at the weekend. 

What you need:  

Fabric, pinboard, wadding, ribbon, staple gun/staples, drawing pins

How to make one:

  1. Simply stuff wadding between your fabric and the pinboard
  2. Leave enough fabric to staple-gun to the back of the board
  3. Attach strips of ribbon via the same method
  4. Fix the meeting points of ribbons with a drawing pin (I went for white to blend in with my white ribbon. Go for long drawing pins so they go through the wadding and pin into the board)

That's it! - So simple.

What to Pin?

We chose to put our pinboard up in our living room on a wall we regularly walk past. This helps us get the most out of it - we place reminders, things that make us smile, plus things we think just look pretty and go with the room. Keep it personal to you and you can't go wrong.


For more pinboard ideas, see what I've been pinning on Pinterest.